<![CDATA[GURU MARKETING TIPS - Sales Building]]>Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:41:31 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Everyone Sells Something]]>Thu, 23 Jan 2025 11:29:51 GMThttp://gurumarketingtips.com/sales-building/everyone-sells-something]]><![CDATA[Salesmanship]]>Wed, 10 Jul 2019 06:21:42 GMThttp://gurumarketingtips.com/sales-building/salesmanship

The Art of Selling
by Stu Leventhal - Guru Marketing Tips!

Selling, promoting, pitching, convincing, persuading... Sales drive the economies of the world!

But how is it done? What traits does a great sales person need to succeed? Are there ways to make a salesman or sales woman better.

Plenty of people (smart business owners and top managers) feel the great sales pros are born with the gift. If you want the very best sales professionals on your team you have to look for the naturals. Many claim sales can't be taught, not at the expert level.

I think it is easy to help sales personnel to sell more. I say you can mentor novice sales people to stardom.

You certainly can measure your sales training efforts. Did sales go up after your inspiring speech? If role playing exercises increase sales then role playing works! Do more role playing! Practice makes perfect.

There is a mystique surrounding the art of the sale... Top sales pros themselves will tell others that they do not really know why they can sell more than their coworkers.

Salesmanship is not luck it is a skill and a very valuable skill to master.

One thing any sales person needs to get used to is constant rejection. Sales people get told no...a lot! Not everyone is made to handle hearing NO! Over and over again...NO! Not now! Go away! Sales people get doors slammed in their face and phones hung up on them; that can take a toll on a person's psych.

Business owners and managers should recognize that a great sales person is worth their weight in gold!

Salesmanship is a fascinating subject to decipher. We shall delve further into salesmanship in our next posts.

Brush Up on Your Salesmanship Knowledge Here:

<![CDATA[SALES BEST PRACTICES, SALES PROS & GOOD SALESMANSHIP…]]>Wed, 15 Feb 2017 07:34:26 GMThttp://gurumarketingtips.com/sales-building/-sales-best-practices-sales-pros-good-salesmanship
Soft Sell...Hard Sell...Re-Sell...Up Sell...OUTSELL!
             by Stu Leventhal ~ Guru Marketing Tips

There are many varying ways to boost sales; trickery never makes a good lasting impression. The honest road is easier and safer to travel on compared to taking dishonest, short cuts.

The best sales method develops out of each situation. Personalities must be taken into account. Motives, moods, timing; all have to be considered.

Competition must be beat, prospective client pools must be found then understood thoroughly. The quality of what you are selling and its price must be matched to solve a particular problem or inconvenience while being deemed affordable and thus valuable in the market place. Buyers must feel they are getting a good deal. Ideally you should move them to worrying about what happens if they do not buy.

Remember, Sales and Marketing are two different business activities. Sales Pros and Sales Departments are under the Marketing umbrella. Marketing does the research and makes the product changes, adjustments and improvements for staying competitive. Marketing sets the price, Sales people sell!

Yes, Sales people give feedback and suggestions to Marketing. They ask for sales tools and say what they need to beat their competition based on what they run into while out in the field. But your job as a Sales Pro is to sell the products and services in your line regardless.

Here are some Sales Tips:
  • Try to build long lasting client/customer relationships not one time sales.
  • Even the best sales method can be improved.
  • Pitch the value being offered to the customer. How does the customer’s current situation improve? Will something get done faster, cheaper or better? Will their peers be jealous?
  • Explain why you and your services and products are unique. Is your solution easier to learn or simpler to use than what is available? Is your product more durable or require less maintenance than what they currently use?
  • Communicate clearly and use easy to understand words and phrases. Be specific, explain thoroughly.
  • Constantly ask your clients and customers how you are doing and if there are any ways you or your products and services could improve; question, interview, survey…
  • Follow up after the sale to make sure your customer is totally satisfied.
  • Keep track of your competitors. Know when they are promoting a discount.
  • Have something ready to upsell. Prepare add-on sales; products and services that compliment your original offerings.
  • Ask your customers for referrals and introductions.
  • Do not be afraid to experiment in all aspects of your business but test before you commit big money to a new idea.
  • Use marketing tools to assist with your presentation. Show proof, facts, testimonials, celebrity endorsements.
  • Automate as much as possible when scaling your promotions, advertising and marketing campaigns.
  • Monitor your efforts, rate your activities, measure your progress, assess and then upgrade your strategies.
  • Do not forget to ask for the order!
  • Ask again and again and again…for the order!

At first we blanket a territory or prospect pool to make an impact. We want people to know we exist. Next we begin to get more personal. We wish to spend most of our time courting the buyers who we have the most chance of getting an actual order from. Have we identified the decision maker? Can we contact them directly? Is it easier to first win over their gate keeper; secretary, assistant, person who screens their calls and sets their appointments?

Yes, observe the very best sales pros in your field but then put your own spin on their techniques. Your sales method must match your personality.

Put yourself in your customer/client’s shoes; see things through their eyes. Ask yourself what qualities you would want in a sales person. What would earn your buying loyalty?

Go where your prospect are; digitally or on land. Join the networking groups and trade organizations they are members of and get involved with the events they attend. Go to their trade shows, read their favorite magazines, click into their most popular websites and participate on the blogs they enjoy.

Be interesting, try to have fun and spread cheer. We purchase more from people we like. Keep in touch with past clients and customers. Contact them regularly, holidays, birthdays… to see how they are doing and if there is anything they need from you.
Strive to be known as the go-to expert in your niche! Be the person people seek out for advice on your specialty and the person they are proud to recommend to others.

*Read Guru Marketing Tips by Stu Leventhal to learn the psychology of selling finesse. After all there is no business without selling!

<![CDATA[Guru Sales Technique]]>Tue, 18 Aug 2015 07:22:32 GMThttp://gurumarketingtips.com/sales-building/-guru-sales-techniqueBuilding Online Revenue...

Online & Offline Selling… GURU STYLE!

An Award Winning  Profit & Sales Philosophy

      By Stu Leventhal – Guru Marketing Tips

Sales are the goal! Sales are what every entrepreneur seeks! Sales equal riches, fame and respect!

But how do we get sales? More sales? Most sales?

The sales process is different for every industry. Sales formulas work for some products, services and situations and are complete duds for other situations.

Why are there so many theories of salesmanship?

Perhaps, because their are so many different kinds of buyers.

You have to pitch to different people in different ways!

The smart guru promoter designs many methods of announcing goods and services so that all the personality types of buyers are covered.

Good salesmanship comes down to knowing your product and being able to talk about it whether in person or in text or through video. You must be able to say what sets your goods apart from your competitors and why yours are the best deal.

You need to know your customers, why they buy, how they decide value, what they are seeking.

Sales technique is as much psychiatry as it is business suave!

Growing sales is not always about finding new customers; often it comes down to convincing the customers you already have to spend more with you.

Want to learn about how to sell higher priced items to your customers or how to get more volume sales from the same customer base?

GURU MARKETING TIPS by Stu Leventhal will explain all about sales technique in detail and plain language so that you can easily follow along.

You'll be able to begin implementing the best sales methods for your business situation; your industry, the needs of your customers and clients and the defining properties of your specific goods and services.

You'll learn how to craft effective sales copy and web promotion copy that drives sales campaigns!

You'll learn how to get your foot in the door with new clients and how to get past the gate keepers and to the decision makers

is business sales genius!

Once you completely understand the selling process through the buyer's psych the rest of the business equation falls into place.
