The entrepreneurs I know, that make it, aren't talkers. They put everything they have behind their ideas. Winners; work, think, breath, live... for getting their idea to the market place.
Successful people make a commitment to achieving their goals. They are ready to do whatever it takes!
The one thing that separates those who make it from those who struggle for years is asking for help!
The real winners are humble. Wise Entrepreneurs realize early that they do not know everything about everything. Smart entrepreneurs will listen to all the tips and advise they can get their hands on. That does not mean they will take the advice but they do certainly want to hear it.
Genius is accepting that you are not Superman. But keep the faith. No matter how tough the barrier is that is standing in your way; somewhere someone has an answer for you.
Help is on the way!
As a member of Mankind, you should know that you are entitled to all the help you can get from any other human; alive or dead. No matter what your expertise is; those who struggled before you, want you to take their achievements further than they could.
Your ancestors are cheering for you!
But you cannot aspire to your fullest greatness unless you put your pride behind you and ask for assistance when you get stuck!
Whatever you find difficult and annoying; someone somewhere finds simple and enjoyable... It is their thing not your thing. But no one is as good as you are at your thing!
If you got a major problem... and we all do! Now is the time to admit you need some help.
Courage is not only being willing to race into the fire, it is also having the guts to ask for help regardless of the embarrassment or how uncomfortable it makes you feel.
Ask your business questions... Time is a wasting!
There are no silly or stupid questions here; but there are...
Successful people make a commitment to achieving their goals. They are ready to do whatever it takes!
The one thing that separates those who make it from those who struggle for years is asking for help!
The real winners are humble. Wise Entrepreneurs realize early that they do not know everything about everything. Smart entrepreneurs will listen to all the tips and advise they can get their hands on. That does not mean they will take the advice but they do certainly want to hear it.
Genius is accepting that you are not Superman. But keep the faith. No matter how tough the barrier is that is standing in your way; somewhere someone has an answer for you.
Help is on the way!
As a member of Mankind, you should know that you are entitled to all the help you can get from any other human; alive or dead. No matter what your expertise is; those who struggled before you, want you to take their achievements further than they could.
Your ancestors are cheering for you!
But you cannot aspire to your fullest greatness unless you put your pride behind you and ask for assistance when you get stuck!
Whatever you find difficult and annoying; someone somewhere finds simple and enjoyable... It is their thing not your thing. But no one is as good as you are at your thing!
If you got a major problem... and we all do! Now is the time to admit you need some help.
Courage is not only being willing to race into the fire, it is also having the guts to ask for help regardless of the embarrassment or how uncomfortable it makes you feel.
Ask your business questions... Time is a wasting!
There are no silly or stupid questions here; but there are...