Popular Business Pros Rule the Local Markets
By Stu Leventhal
Local Entrepreneurs are great networkers. Your connections in the neighborhoods you serve are your referral engine, client lead generator & thus your future.
Sure, keep posting ads online and in newspapers and paying radio station DJs to give you shoutouts but experience has shown, it is your network that comes thru with the most client introductions and actual new orders.
Our, happy, past clients recommend us to new folks; their friends, workmates, associates, family members and neighbors...
Our contacts at schools tell us when new families are moving into town or leaving.
Religious organizations inform us when couples are getting married and/or starting families. These are people who need stuff; assistance or advice often from us. Our business community friends say when they are hiring and let us know who is retiring. Again, we learn of biz leads and new biz opportunities.
Our great report with our politicians gets us a heads up on new zoning laws, available building grants, government loans and where new roads, malls and bridges are being constructed.
TIP: Nothing is better for a Local Enterprising Professional's Career than forming relationships. Remember, relationship building is great for your personal life too.
An entrepreneur who becomes part of the social fabric of the community has a bright future. You will never run out of clients, customers or business ideas. Networking opens up doors of unexpected, unthought of, biz and personal opportunities for you that could only come to you thru your contacts.
IMPORTANT: When doing business locally it is all about being in the know. Who you know... assures you are informed about any big moves that are happing so you can choose to get in at the ground floor of the projects.
TIP: Networking is a lifestyle choice. Contacts you meet today may help you out years from now or next week. You never know who knows whom or who is privy to what golden info.
Sure, keep posting ads online and in newspapers and paying radio station DJs to give you shoutouts but experience has shown, it is your network that comes thru with the most client introductions and actual new orders.
Our, happy, past clients recommend us to new folks; their friends, workmates, associates, family members and neighbors...
Our contacts at schools tell us when new families are moving into town or leaving.
Religious organizations inform us when couples are getting married and/or starting families. These are people who need stuff; assistance or advice often from us. Our business community friends say when they are hiring and let us know who is retiring. Again, we learn of biz leads and new biz opportunities.
Our great report with our politicians gets us a heads up on new zoning laws, available building grants, government loans and where new roads, malls and bridges are being constructed.
TIP: Nothing is better for a Local Enterprising Professional's Career than forming relationships. Remember, relationship building is great for your personal life too.
An entrepreneur who becomes part of the social fabric of the community has a bright future. You will never run out of clients, customers or business ideas. Networking opens up doors of unexpected, unthought of, biz and personal opportunities for you that could only come to you thru your contacts.
IMPORTANT: When doing business locally it is all about being in the know. Who you know... assures you are informed about any big moves that are happing so you can choose to get in at the ground floor of the projects.
TIP: Networking is a lifestyle choice. Contacts you meet today may help you out years from now or next week. You never know who knows whom or who is privy to what golden info.