Today, You Need Tools to Network!Building a business or brand requires connecting with other biz people. Everyone is online, wheeling and dealing. There are so many conversations going on all over cyberspace that you need technology, software and other gadgetry to keep track of all that is happening.
Are you going to be the great blogger or the social media influencer? Do you wish to start a podcast because they are very popular right now? Is your website going to be set up to handle all the aspects of order taking, without a live sales rep, that is an actual person? You know marketing is not just advertising and promoting. Marketing starts with internal operations of a business. The way your company is set up should steer you in a certain direction, as to how you try to sell more stuff to more and more customers. 1) You can try to sell more to your CURRENT CUSTOMERS, of what they already buy! 2) You can push to sell additional newly developed products to customers that already buy something from you. 3) You can go out and look for more customers who have not bought yet from you. 4) You can reach out to customers that used to buy from you, but you have not gotten an order from in a long while. Ask them, "Why did you stop buying?" and "How can we win you back?" 5) You can try to sell to a whole market or demographic that you do not sell to as of now. 6) You can have a SALE! 7) You can hire a salesperson (Perhaps one of your competitor's sales reps) who already has a few big accounts that your company does not sell to yet. 8)You can partner up with a company or brand that does not compete with you but does already sell their products and/or services to the customers you seek to start selling to. There are lots of strategies to grow sales! The biggest bang for the buck is still... NETWORKING! Networking is how you grow a business, FAST! Super Networker! |
"Competing in business takes honest effort, thorough knowledge of one's industry and people smarts!"