Are You A Creative?
By Stu Leventhal Guru Marketing Tips - Editor
Having a great imagination is one thing; bringing your ideas to market is a whole another ballgame.
Being a dreamer is very romantic but it requires stamina and that stick-to-it attitude to break down barriers in the business and industrial world.
Men and women spend a large portion of their day solving problems. Many people are very innovative but that does not mean their ideas can be turned into viable inventions that can be sold.
Being successful in developing new tech requires one to look into the future. You also have to study the past and know what is possible to manufacture. Science and math needs to be mastered. What has already been done must be mastered before you move ahead, exploring down new roads.
Discover a new way of doing something that is faster or more efficient or more reliable and you can get very wealthy indeed. The trick is; will folks pay to have your invention?
Of course there is much more to bringing a new product to market than meets the eye. Do you need a patent and a lawyer to protect your idea from being stolen?
Will this idea of yours actually work? How much will it cost you to test your new theory? Can you build a prototype yourself? Will you need a partner at some point?
What about funding? Do you have a business plan? A marketing plan?
Have you done your market research?
Do you know how to drum up public enthusiasm for a startup company?
How much do you really know about your target, preferred, customers?
Many factors must come together for a startup idea to become successful. There will always be obstacles to overcome and set backs. Are you up for the challenges?
How committed to succeed are you?
One thing I can tell you is that you surely will meet more skeptics than enthusiasts when you present your entrepreneurial ideas. Many more people will be trying to talk you out of business than into business.
True entrepreneurs are scarce. Most people like the status quo, especially if they are in power or wealthy. But some of us believe in progress with all our hearts and souls.
For us forging ahead is the only road worth travelling on.
Know your purpose... Know your obstacles... Shake off your doubts... Bust through the barriers! Expand reality!
Being a dreamer is very romantic but it requires stamina and that stick-to-it attitude to break down barriers in the business and industrial world.
Men and women spend a large portion of their day solving problems. Many people are very innovative but that does not mean their ideas can be turned into viable inventions that can be sold.
Being successful in developing new tech requires one to look into the future. You also have to study the past and know what is possible to manufacture. Science and math needs to be mastered. What has already been done must be mastered before you move ahead, exploring down new roads.
Discover a new way of doing something that is faster or more efficient or more reliable and you can get very wealthy indeed. The trick is; will folks pay to have your invention?
Of course there is much more to bringing a new product to market than meets the eye. Do you need a patent and a lawyer to protect your idea from being stolen?
Will this idea of yours actually work? How much will it cost you to test your new theory? Can you build a prototype yourself? Will you need a partner at some point?
What about funding? Do you have a business plan? A marketing plan?
Have you done your market research?
Do you know how to drum up public enthusiasm for a startup company?
How much do you really know about your target, preferred, customers?
Many factors must come together for a startup idea to become successful. There will always be obstacles to overcome and set backs. Are you up for the challenges?
How committed to succeed are you?
One thing I can tell you is that you surely will meet more skeptics than enthusiasts when you present your entrepreneurial ideas. Many more people will be trying to talk you out of business than into business.
True entrepreneurs are scarce. Most people like the status quo, especially if they are in power or wealthy. But some of us believe in progress with all our hearts and souls.
For us forging ahead is the only road worth travelling on.
Know your purpose... Know your obstacles... Shake off your doubts... Bust through the barriers! Expand reality!