Why Doesn't Your Website Rank When Searched For?
By Stu Leventhal - Guru Markeeting Tips Editor
When was the last time you checked these 10 vital aspects of your website?
- Easy of Navigation: Can a new visitor immediately understand why your website is online? Can they find what they are looking for? Is it easy to go from page to page and section to section?
- How Does your Site look on Every Type of Gadget People Use to access the Web?
- Can Your Visitors Easily Click Over to Your Social Media Stages? Do you have all the main top social media buttons on display?
- How Long Does it Take for Your Site to Load? Visitors do not want to wait long for your site to appear. Search Engines too, do not like slow loading sites!
- How Broad is the Subject and Theme of Your Website? If You are trying to include too many subject on one website you will have a lot of competition for ranking nicely on search engines. By making your website more special for a specific viewer or audience, you have a much better chance of being the best in your category (niche).
- Can a New Visitor Tell Whose Website They Just Landed On? Are you, as Web Host being as transparent as you can be? How detailed is your About Us Page? There should be no mysteries about you or your company or why you created this site; especially if your object is to eventually do business with your visitors.
- Are You Making it as Easy as possible for a new visitor to Contact You? If you have contact forms, and you should, be sure to add real time info verification to the form so whomever is filling in their info knows when they make a mistake and can fix it. You do not want to collect false info, bad phone numbers, bogus email addresses... Your contacting visitor will think you are ignoring their request when what really happened is they made a innocent typing error while filling out your form. Info verification alerts your visitor so they can immediately re-enter the correct info onto your forms. This keeps communications moving along quickly and efficiently.
- How Secure is Your Website for Your Visitors to Be On? If you want them to come and stay a while on your site plus come back in the future then you have to take measures to make sure they are safe when on your website. How confident are you that a visitor's data will not be hacked while on your site! Do you have protection against spamming-bots?
- How is Your SEO? Can Search Engines as well as people tell instantly what your website is about and who would like to be on it? Did you do everything Google likes? Plus, nothing Google hates! I hope that you are not publishing duplicate content (Stuff that is already on another website). Make sure you are posting original content, unique things. People too, just like Google, do not want to see things they already see plenty of everywhere else online.
- Link to Lots of Other Places in Cyberspace that Talk Highly of You. People like to hear from others that recommend you and what is on your website. You, yourself, telling your visitors how wonderful you and your products and services are gets boring fast. You need to be able to point potential new customers and clients to review sites that rate you high. Link to any positive flattering news articles that feature you or your company. Also, link to star bloggers posting nice things about you. Listing testimonials from happy past customers is great too but adding a clickable link to the website of the person singing your praise builds credibility making your testimonials more believable.