Everyone knows the statistics on succeeding are not in the favor of the startup entrepreneur.
So, the conclusion must be that one has to be brave to want to start a new company.
The truth is, there are plenty of reason for entrepreneurs to want to start their own companies...
1) You just want to have the freedom to run things your own way and not have to answer to a boss anymore.
2) You think you deserve a bigger piece of the pie than you get as an employee.
3) You see a need in the marketplace that you feel you could fill, such as; a lower price product or a high-end service no brand is providing or an improved product that customers are asking for, but no company seems willing to create.
4) You may wish to build something valuable for your children and grandchildren to inherit from you that will keep them safe and secure and can be handed down to future generations.
Whatever your reasons, I hope you are serious because you will be undertaking an endeavor that requires upmost commitment.
Yes, to the victor go the spoils. There are numerous rewards and perks to owning a business. But are you actually ready to be the owner?
Will your business idea work?
A) First you got to get your idea down on paper. Define what you wish to create. Will there be five employees or 150 workers? Do you need office space, a warehouse, a factory?
B) Next you create a sketchy business plan. For example, jot down the first steps you will take towards achieving your goal. Where will the initial money come from to buy equipment like computers and to pay your first few months' rent?
C) You also need to think out your initial marketing plan. How are you going to promote that your new business is now open? Do you need to save up advertisement money?
D) Think deeply about this new adventure you are embarking on. Ask yourself; is there a way for me to start my new company in a part time way? Can I keep working at my fulltime job and also work on getting my own business started on my days off and on weekends?
E) Test your idea! You need to get some feedback from potential customers before you risk lots of money and time on an idea the market is not yet ready for.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
– Albert Einstein
“Invention is the most important product of man’s creative brain.” – Nikola Tesla
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Do you have an idea for a new business?
Is something holding you back from trying to start a new business? Ask Us for Advice in a comment!
So, the conclusion must be that one has to be brave to want to start a new company.
The truth is, there are plenty of reason for entrepreneurs to want to start their own companies...
1) You just want to have the freedom to run things your own way and not have to answer to a boss anymore.
2) You think you deserve a bigger piece of the pie than you get as an employee.
3) You see a need in the marketplace that you feel you could fill, such as; a lower price product or a high-end service no brand is providing or an improved product that customers are asking for, but no company seems willing to create.
4) You may wish to build something valuable for your children and grandchildren to inherit from you that will keep them safe and secure and can be handed down to future generations.
Whatever your reasons, I hope you are serious because you will be undertaking an endeavor that requires upmost commitment.
Yes, to the victor go the spoils. There are numerous rewards and perks to owning a business. But are you actually ready to be the owner?
Will your business idea work?
A) First you got to get your idea down on paper. Define what you wish to create. Will there be five employees or 150 workers? Do you need office space, a warehouse, a factory?
B) Next you create a sketchy business plan. For example, jot down the first steps you will take towards achieving your goal. Where will the initial money come from to buy equipment like computers and to pay your first few months' rent?
C) You also need to think out your initial marketing plan. How are you going to promote that your new business is now open? Do you need to save up advertisement money?
D) Think deeply about this new adventure you are embarking on. Ask yourself; is there a way for me to start my new company in a part time way? Can I keep working at my fulltime job and also work on getting my own business started on my days off and on weekends?
E) Test your idea! You need to get some feedback from potential customers before you risk lots of money and time on an idea the market is not yet ready for.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
– Albert Einstein
“Invention is the most important product of man’s creative brain.” – Nikola Tesla
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Do you have an idea for a new business?
Is something holding you back from trying to start a new business? Ask Us for Advice in a comment!