Creating a Guru Company Brand Image
BY Stu Leventhal – Guru Marketing Tips
You have at your fingertips the ability to touch lives around the world; to speak with and plan with and plot and puzzle out stuff and ask people for help and research statistics. That is all very powerful!
Yes, I get that most of us play online. We haphazardly, willy-nelly, skip around from site to site, browsing, skimming, exploring until something captures our interest. This is perfectly alright, how else are you to discover how you wish to participate online and what can help you have a better life offline without investigating stuff.
The thing you need to bear in mind, whether you like it or not, is that we all have an online personality that we are portraying to the world. Anyone online has access to our accumulated personal as well as professional stats and info. Do you know what your online portrait is? Are you actively managing your online reputation?
The problem is people access details about you in many different ways most of which you cannot control. Some may see your website about page and simply take your word for things since you wrote that bio yourself or paid for an expert to write a great bio for you. Others, if they are truly interested in you, will research you much further and more fully.
Job interviewers, clients, customers, friends, potential lovers, business associates, your enemies, rivals, competitors, friends of friends, even casual acquaintances you just met, are all using the web to find out who you are!
It is just so fast and easy to get to know someone better by seeing how they conduct themselves in cyberspace.
Thus the number one cyberspace tip I can give, is to always know how you are being presented online, everywhere and take the reins.
*Manage your digital persona to your full advantage!
Start creating a personal and a pro brand image and manage them both. Your prosperity, happiness and wellbeing depend on managing your web rep.
Serious online as well as offline web players need to learn all they can about online reputation management! You need to know who is talking about you and how to counter all the bad publicity. You also need to support and leverage all the good comments about you so you can take full advantage of your positive image as well as develop more good and favorable commenting and compliments! If you heed this one piece of web guru advice, you will be light years ahead of 95% of anyone you are competing with for attention online!
Your reputation online and offline is your career as well as being your personal persona. Mass digital access to data has merged the two!
Understand one thing; all the SEO and keywords and internet marketing genius will not fix a crappy persona or bad biz reputation once it is out there. Also know that most people are not even aware of what damage is being posted online about them that is constantly sabotaging all their hard online and offline work, careers and life.
Yes, you have an online portfolio whether it is official or not. Does it really matter who created it you or your enemy? You are your body of online publications, posts and comments. What you publish and how others react to it is what people know you by and how new acquaintances judge you. Every day online browsers are deciding if they want to associate themselves with you. They read your social media comments and look over your web content and blog posts. People judge you by your web writing!
Are you really aware of the complete body of info that people who you wish to do offline business with and conduct E-commerce with are looking over? Are you managing what is being said about you online and owning it! Really?
Are you truly putting your best foot forward when you promote, blog post and leave comments online? When you publish online are you marketing with total internet marketing dignity?
YOU NEED A PERSONAL BRAND ONLINE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY TO ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING ONLINE! There is so much going on online that without a structured biz brand building plan you will lose focus!
Without first managing your personal brand building you are seriously handicapping any online goals you are trying to achieve! One wrong move in brand building and everything you worked for can come crashing down like a house of cards!
To build a positive, valuable online persona it should be obvious that you need a game plan! Yes an online personal brand building strategy supreme…
To create your online personal brand building game plan you need to answer some basic questions:
1. Where do you like to visit online? How are you portrayed there?
2. What are your communication strengths and limitations? How can you improve them?
3. How tech knowledgeable and competent are you? Do you need to pay for tech advise? Do you plan of taking some tech courses?
4. What are you trying to accomplish? Be specific! Are the goals realistic, accomplishable?
5. What are your motives? Be truthful, people will figure out your agenda! What drives you?
6. Long term goals? Where do you wish to be five years from now? Ten years?
7. Short term goals? Daily, weekly, monthly and one year from now targets?
8. Who do you wish to be associated with? Why? What are the benefits to you?
9. Where do your contemporaries hang out? Why? What would make the hangouts better? Can you build a better online hangout?
10. What are the interests of your intended audience? How can you satisfy their interests and needs?
11. How will you be determining and measuring the success or failure of your efforts?
Answering these questions will keep you focused when you visit and play around in cyberspace. You will now have reason to be exploring and experimenting when you go online. Your online activities will have purpose! You can start building long term online assets.
*There are thousands of directions you can travel in online but to accomplish anything of any significance or to get to anywhere of importance you need to first map out your trip! MAKE A PLAN!
*Always remember that people are watching what you do and say in cyberspace as well as offline.
*Success lies in knowing where you wish to end up, planning out the best means of getting there then staying the course!
More Biz Writing Tips, Online Branding Advise & Guru Marketing Help:
1 - Learn to how to creatively write and communicate better:
A NEW TALE – A Creative Writing Tutorial by Philadelphia’s Author & Business Consultant, Stu Leventhal
2 - Learn Small and Big Business theories, ideas and advise:
GURU MARKETING TIPS – The Online Offline Web Champion by Stu Leventhal